Friday, October 14, 2016

Fall Proofing Your House

Guest Post from Max Gottlieb

Falls can happen to anyone at any age. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), one in three adults aged 65 or older experience a fall each year. This statistic may be under-reported since many falls are not serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit. Since a fall can mark the beginning of more health complications down the road, reducing the risk should be of utmost importance.

There are many ways a person can prevent falls, such as working on balance, increasing physical activity, and taking supplements like calcium or vitamin D (with your doctor's OK) to avoid strengthen bones. One of the most basic ways to stay safe, however, is making sure your house is fall proof.

Bathroom Dangers
The first area we are going to explore is the bathroom. Obviously, water can accumulate on slick surfaces making this area perfect for a slip or a fall. The good news is that there are some simple preventative measures that can be taken. The first step is to make sure the shower door is tightly sealed. This way, water is not leaking or spraying out of the shower onto the bathroom tiles. Of course, when a person gets out of the shower, it is difficult not to take water with you. For this reason, an anti-slip mat outside the shower is recommended. If you have ever seen a restaurant kitchen or a commercial area that tends to get wet, you will notice they cover the ground in rubber anti-slip mats to prevent slips and falls. Anti-slip mats are a good idea for the kitchen as well, since washing dishes can sometimes lead to unintended puddles on the floor.

Inside the Shower
The next area of focus should be inside the shower. Some showers have traction on the bottom to prevent slips and falls. However, if yours doesn’t, you can purchase a shower mat for use inside the shower that replicates an anti-slip surface. For individuals that are unstable on their feet or have issues standing for a long duration, a shower chair along with an extendable shower head is advisable. Even for the most able bodied senior, getting in and out of the shower can pose a risk so grab bars are recommended.

Beyond wet areas being slippery, another major issue is clutter. Clutter can be too much furniture, haphazard electrical cords, boxes, low coffee tables, nightstands, plant stands, or pretty much anything else that obstructs walking. This is especially important for high traffic areas like hallways or bedrooms. First, make sure that all cords are secured out of the way so they pose no risk in the future. Next, reduce the amount of freestanding objects throughout the house and try to eliminate them in the areas where foot traffic occurs. Maybe there are boxes by the couch, or newspapers by the back door—wherever the clutter may be, it’s time to get rid of it.

Let There Be Light
Lastly, and perhaps most overlooked when it comes to eliminating fall-risks, is light. Make sure the entire house is well lit so there are no dark areas. This means that you should be using at least a 60-watt bulb wherever there is a lamp or light fixture. Check for areas in the house that aren’t lit and install lighting or add a lamp. At night, leave a nightlight on in the bathroom so no one is stumbling around in the dark during a late-night bathroom trip. Just as with other appliances, make sure the exposed cords are tucked away. The lamps and lighting fixtures should always be within reach, but far enough away from the pathways to be out of the way. You’d be surprise how beneficial better visibility can be.

More Tips for Fall Prevention
Some final tips are making sure that any furniture, including your bed, tables, couches and chairs, are the proper height. A chair that is too close to the ground and a bed that is too high or too low creates unnecessary risk. Make sure to speak with your primary care provider in regards to what other devices or techniques you can utilize to live a safe, healthier life.

Max Gottlieb works with Senior Planning, giving free assistance to seniors and their families. Senior Planning helps with benefits, senior housing, and organizing any necessary care. 

Thanks Max for a great article!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Medical Alert Systems: Keeping Mom as Independent as Possible

When you can encourage and assist your aging parents and loved ones to remain as independent as possible you keep their minds healthy and their bodies working; albeit slower than ever before. As we all age, tasks become more challenging and our agility is challenged everyday.

While it may seem much safer to place Mom where she can just sit, watch TV or read and be waited on all day, that may not be the best way to keep her strong and vibrant.

Keep them Safe
What is essential is to make the scene as safe as possible.
  • Remove clutter and obstacles such as throw rugs. 
  • Hang grab bars where needed throughout the house. 
  • Place everyday items for cooking, eating, bathing, dressing, etc. within a safe reach may mean some serious "redecorating" and reconsideration. 
  • Purchase reachers and a maybe a couple of walkers
  • The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house. Use a bedside commode at night can help avoid falls.  
These can all help to reduce fall risk and improve their ability to remain independent for as long as possible.

Medical Alert Systems
One of the most valuable tools for your own peace of mind is a medical alert system. has complied a great list of possibilities and provides the pros and cons as well as straight out reasons for eliminating some. It's a great resource to have and to share!
alert system.

Arranging for transportation and assistance with the heavier duties such as shopping and attending to medical or other appointments can help them ease into giving up the car without necessitating unnecessary hours of caregiving until they are needed. Laundry and house keeping chores can be piecemealed as well.

Things can and will eventually turn on a dime and you need to have a plan to implement immediately, but until then try to keep them vibrant and as independent as possible. It takes effort, thought and commitment, but after 80 time begins to run out quickly. Cherish those moments and give them your best shot.