Turning 60?
So while you're caring for your aging parents as well as dealing with COVID19 and all of the news restrictions on our lives, you suddenly find yourself 60!! Happy Birthday, and many returns of the day! Now it's time to take a look at your own life and begin to plan for your own aging process. Getting old is your new job.In The Senior Years Master Plan, author Ralph Mroz lays it all out in simple terms with an easy to follow plan. No, this isn't a "how to" book. He's not taking you by the hand and telling you how to take each step, but he covers all the steps you will need to take at some point and provides information and insight you'll need to make decisions for yourself. He provides enough resources to get you started on your own path to research what you're going to need to do as you age. At 60 you're going to begin to see signs of slowing down and aging. Making it your new job to plan and implement changes, you'll not be caught in perhaps the mess you're dealing with with your own aging parents. Learn from their successes and failures.
Don't wait until you can't
As Mroz points out throughout the book, if you wait until you have to do something, you can't. Mroz also advises that you'll need to build a team from friends and family to a variety of professionals to assist you with this plan. The Senior Years Master Plan is well written in a conversational manner that makes it very easy to read and understand. It's a great resource to refer back to often and something to share with your team as you pull it together. Available on Amazon.com in Kindle and paperback formats. This is a must have tool for your new job. Make it a birthday gift to yourself.Stay well and be healthy and prepared!
For more information about caring for your aging parents, please consider downloading my course, Caring for Your Aging Parents, from Teachable.com. It takes a couple of hours, and you can just hit play and listen while you go about other business.