Caregiving is an art, and it's not something any of us comes to naturally. Not even nurses. It's something we learn over the course of time and through a variety of classes or experiences. We bring to each patient or loved one our own set of standards, beliefs and abilities as well as a desire to help others. We have the best of intentions and hope for the best possible outcomes.
We struggle to hold on to our own identity and to provide the very best care we can under whatever the circumstances present to us. Caregiving is never easy, and often you must reap your own rewards of knowing you made a difference. We can come to this role once or many times in our lives as children, parents, other relative or health care professional. The basic rule is to give it your best shot and to do no harm to anyone.
I received an email quite some time ago from a young man who has cared for his wife who is now a cancer survivor. He blogs about his experiences and he his bluntly honest about his feelings, emotions and everyday occurrences. I share this with you because there is always something to learn from someone else's journey and struggles. I hope you can gain some insight and find some tips to help you survive your own journey with your aging parents and loved ones.
View the video about their journey: