I live in California and here the Republican Party admittedly has placed fake ballot boxes all over the place. The intention is not clear, but at all costs you want YOUR ballot to COUNT.
There are options with mail in and absentee ballots. For instance they come with a postage paid bulk mail permit attached. This has been reported to be an OK method to return your ballot, but suggest you drop it off at the post office if possible. The newly appointed Post Master General waffles on whether the ballot mail will be treated as First Class or Bulk mail. Don't take a chance!A better way is to attach first class postage (2 stamps is best) and then it must be treated as first class mail and not just bulk mail. The best option is to deposit your ballot in a secure ballot box in your county. Your ballot should have contained a list of the the possible official drop boxes. These are often located at your local City Hall or library.
You can always check with your state or county registrar of voting. And should you be declined as a voter, be sure to ask for a Provisional Ballot and then check with your registrar. Know your voter RIGHTS! Report suspicious voter suppression!!!
There are also ways to track your unique ballot to make sure it was received and counted.
If you vote in person, be sure to try to vote early to avoid the longest lines. Election Day is officially
Tuesday, Nov. 3. Take water, a snack and maybe a camping stool. Also take your mask and hand sanitizer. Understand that campaigning is illegal at polling places. That means don't wear your political hats, shirts, button, etc! You can be turned away. There should be NO military or militia guards present either!! Voting is YOUR RIGHT and it should be a private affair and devoid of fraudulent and illegal issues!!
Be sure to send your mail-in ballots in time. They must be postmarked no later than 17 days after the election (Nov. 20) to count!! With the expected number of mail in ballots this year, expect delays in counting and knowing who wins each election. The absentee/ mail-in ballots are often the LAST to be counted.